“Learning never exhausts the mind”, the famous quote by Leonardo da Vinci holds good even in today’s times and applies to people of all ages. Learning as we know, is a never-ending process, especially for seniors undergoing various phases throughout their lifetime. To that end, there are many reasons and ways in which one can learn:
- Consistent learning keeps monotony away: Be it your personal life where you are indulged in managing your daily living activities or a professional life, learning new things has been known to keep monotony and the boredom that comes attached with it, at bay. This is especially true in the case of those who find it difficult to remain motivated due to the various challenges and conditions that can potentially slow them down.
- Learn a new language or a skill to stay healthy: Motivating your loved ones to take up a new language or a skill that they couldn’t master earlier in life due to time constraints can prove highly beneficial for their mental health. When someone takes on mastery of a new skill, it stimulates their brain and helps to ensure it remains active.
- Learning helps one make new friends: Learning new things can consistently bring you in contact with like-minded people. These are people who want to explore new horizons and at the same time develop themselves. When one connects with others who share similar interests, it often motivates them to do better themselves.
Obviously, there are many more ways to support personal development by learning new things. Now that the pandemic has required people, especially seniors, to socialize in person less frequently, it is advisable to consider virtual learning options that can be enjoyed from the comfort of home. Even learning how to use technology can simplify daily living to a great extent while at the same time better connecting seniors to family members and caregivers.